Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i curse the day you were born!

oh i am so pissed off!!
damn you Youtube for suspending all the accounts dat had graciously supplied me with the great Grey's scenes
now all my fav scenes dh kna delete!!! *cries*
stupid infringement rules
i still buy the DVDs ok? original one lagik!
anyone can teach me how i can make short clips from the avi files?

eiiii! Rogers Wireless tak abes2 nk suck ppls money tau!
seb baik x kna MI tgk this month punyer bill
CAD70! My God!
usually about CAD4o per month since tak guna sgt pon, just convenient if you have one
ni seme sbb main sms mase kat States aritu la ni
they charge 60 cent per sms?sms to Calgary number jugak pdhal
bloody expensive!!! tau la roaming tp aritu mase blk mesia roaming jugak, siap calling2 lagi tp x de smpai 70 dolar bill aku!
dh la i check nk upgrade to iPhone smpai CAD400
kalu daftar baru CAD199 jork
diskriminasi okehhhh!!
dh la tak leh break 3 yrs punye contract, nnt kna denda lagi CAD200
mereka2 di mesia, bersyukur la dgn Celcom n Maxis n Digi etc
guna hp kat sini sucks giler!!


farah_hanani said...

my phone bill mase kat US adelah 200 CD lebeyh hehe.
but i call quite a lot. ")

CT DALILAH said...

justifyable la u byk call, ni i call x smpai 5 mins pon..ergh, sms tu yg mhl nk mampus huhu damn la rogers